Showing 6176 - 6200 of 8,002 Results
Edmund Burke: Selections From his Political Writings and Speeches by Anonymous ISBN: 9781298764485 List Price: $29.95
Two speeches on conciliation with America and Two letters on Irish questions by Burke, Edmund, Edmund Burke ISBN: 9780649380091 List Price: $13.94
Letter to the Right Honourable Edmund Burke by Boothby, Brooke Sir ISBN: 9781374259256 List Price: $22.95
Vindiciae Gallicae. Defence of the French Revolution and Its English Admirers Against the Ac... by Mackintosh, James Sir ISBN: 9781374265332 List Price: $28.95
Third Letter to a Member of the Present Parliament on the Proposals for Peace with the Regic... by Burke, Edmund 1729-1797 ISBN: 9781374312449 List Price: $23.95
Thoughts on the Present Discontents, and Speeches by Burke, Edmund ISBN: 9781981474127 List Price: $4.99
Bemerkungen über die französische Revolution: und das Betragen einiger Gesellschaften in Lon... by Burke, Edmund, Edmund Burke ISBN: 9781981612154 List Price: $23.00
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke: A New Edition by Burke, Edmund, Edmund Burke ISBN: 9781354300237 List Price: $27.95
Two Speeches on Conciliation with America, and Two Letters on Irish Questions by Burke, Edmund, Edmund Burke ISBN: 9781354368923 List Price: $25.95
Two Letters Addressed to a Member of the Present Parliament, on the Proposals for Peace with... by Burke, Edmund, Edmund Burke ISBN: 9781354370902 List Price: $23.95
A Letter to the Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke, on the Subject of His Late Charges Against the Govern... by Halhed, Nathaniel Brassey, ... ISBN: 9781354382806 List Price: $21.95
Works by Burke, Edmund, Edmund Burke ISBN: 9781354373392 List Price: $29.95
Edmund Burke's Connection with Bristol, from 1774 Till 1780: With a Prefatory Memoir of Burke by Weare, G. E., G E Weare ISBN: 9781354375846 List Price: $24.95
Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents: Edited, with Introd. and Notes by Burke, Edmund, Selby, Franc... ISBN: 9781354398968 List Price: $23.95
The Works of the Right Honorable Edmund Burke by Burke, Edmund, Making of Am... ISBN: 9781354402450 List Price: $29.95
An Account of the European Settlements in America. Containing an Accurate Description of The... by Burke, Edmund, Burke, Willi... ISBN: 9781354406014 List Price: $29.95
Memoir of the Life and Character of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke: With Specimens of His Poetr... by Prior, James, James Prior ISBN: 9781354407028 List Price: $30.95
A Letter to the Right Honourable Edmund Burke by Boothby, Brooke, Brooke Boo... ISBN: 9781354422526 List Price: $22.95
Oration: Democracy and Education by Burke, Jeremiah Edmund B. 1867 ISBN: 9781354456699 List Price: $19.95
Brooks Memorial. Communications on the Death of Charles T. Brooks, of Newport, R.I by Willson, Edmund Burke 1820-... ISBN: 9781354459362 List Price: $21.95
Concilation with the Colonies: The Speech by Burke, Edmund, Andersen, Ed... ISBN: 9781354485224 List Price: $22.95
Edmund Burke: A Lecture, Delivered in de La Salle Institute on April 30th, 1880 by Dunne, John, John Dunne ISBN: 9781354491287 List Price: $19.95
Dodsley's Annual Register by Burke, Edmund, Edmund Burke ISBN: 9781354507131 List Price: $29.95
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